Acoustic Networking Messages

LBL Range

When the vehicle uses Long Base Line navigation, this message notifies that a new range was received from one of the acoustics transponders. The message fields are used to identify the range value and the transponder name.

  • Abbreviation: LblRange
  • Identification Number: 200
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
  • Flags: periodic
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Beacon Identification Number id - uint8_t Identification number of the acoustic transponder from which the range information was received. Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t Distance to the acoustic transponder. Same as field type

LBL Beacon Configuration

Position and configuration of an LBL transponder (beacon).

  • Abbreviation: LblBeacon
  • Identification Number: 202
  • Payload Size: 25+ bytes
  • Message Size: 47+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Beacon Name beacon - plaintext Name/Label of the acoustic transponder. Same as field type
Latitude WGS-84 lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 Latitude coordinate. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Longitude WGS-84 lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 Longitude coordinate. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Depth depth m fp32_t The beacon’s depth. Same as field type
Interrogation channel query_channel - uint8_t Interrogation channel. Same as field type
Reply channel reply_channel - uint8_t Reply channel. Same as field type
Transponder delay transponder_delay ms uint8_t Transponder delay. Same as field type

LBL Configuration

Long Base Line configuration.

  • Abbreviation: LblConfig
  • Identification Number: 203
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Used to define the type of the operation this message holds. Same as field type
Beacons beacons - message-list (LBL Beacon Configuration) A list of LBL beacon configuration messages. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Used to define the type of the operation this message holds.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Set LBL Configuration SET_CFG Set the beacons configuration aboard the vehicle.
1 Retrieve LBL Configuration GET_CFG Request the vehicle to send its current beacons configuration.
2 Reply to a GET command CUR_CFG -

Acoustic Message

Send an acoustic message.

  • Abbreviation: AcousticMessage
  • Identification Number: 206
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Message to send message - message Message to send. Same as field type

Acoustic Operation

Acoustic operation.

  • Abbreviation: AcousticOperation
  • Identification Number: 211
  • Payload Size: 9+ bytes
  • Message Size: 31+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation type. Same as field type
System system - plaintext The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Message To Send msg - message Argument for message send (‘MSG’) requests. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Operation type.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: AOP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Abort ABORT Send an abort through the acoustic channel to the system specified in the field ‘system’.
1 Abort in Progress ABORT_IP The latest abort request to the system specified in the field ‘system’ is in progress.
2 Abort Timeout ABORT_TIMEOUT The latest abort operation expired without acknowledgment from the system specified in the field ‘system’.
3 Abort Acknowledged ABORT_ACKED The latest abort operation was acknowledged by the system specified in the field ‘system’.
4 Range Request RANGE Request a range through the acoustic channel to the system specified in the field ‘system’.
5 Range in Progress RANGE_IP The latest range request to the system specified in the field ‘system’ is in progress.
6 Range Timeout RANGE_TIMEOUT The latest range request operation expired without reply from the system specified in the field ‘system’.
7 Range Received RANGE_RECVED The latest range request operation to the system specified in the field ‘system’ was successful and the range is specified in the field ‘range’.
8 Modem is Busy BUSY The acoustic modem is busy and cannot execute the requested operation.
9 Unsupported operation UNSUPPORTED The latest requested operation is not supported.
10 Transducer Not Detected NO_TXD The transducer was not detected.
11 Send Message MSG Request message over acoustic channel. The message to send is specified by the ‘msg’ field.
12 Message Send – Queued MSG_QUEUED Message send request has been queued.
13 Message Send – In progress MSG_IP Message send request is in progress.
14 Message Send – Done MSG_DONE Message send request has been fulfilled.
15 Message Send – Failure MSG_FAILURE Message send request could not be fulfilled.
16 Send Short Message MSG_SHORT Request message over acoustic channel. The message to send is specified by the ‘msg’ field.
17 Initiate Reverse Range REVERSE_RANGE Request sending updated position to remote system so it can be ranged.

Acoustic Systems Query

Request a list of known underwater acoustic systems. The recipient of this message shall reply with an AcousticSystems message.

  • Abbreviation: AcousticSystemsQuery
  • Identification Number: 212
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes

This message has no fields.

Acoustic Systems

This message is sent in reply to an AcousticSystemsQuery message and lists all known underwater acoustic systems (modems, narrow band transponders, etc).

  • Abbreviation: AcousticSystems
  • Identification Number: 213
  • Payload Size: 2+ bytes
  • Message Size: 24+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
System List list List plaintext Comma separated list of known acoustic system names. Same as field type

Acoustic Transmission Request

Request Acoustic sending.

  • Abbreviation: AcousticRequest
  • Identification Number: 215
  • Payload Size: 19+ bytes
  • Message Size: 41+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Destination System destination - plaintext The name of the system where to send this message. Same as field type
Timeout timeout s fp64_t Period of time to send message (in seconds). Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Message To Send msg - message Argument for message send (‘MSG’) or (‘RAW’) but in this case expects DevDataBinary message requests. Same as field type

Enum Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: TYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Abort ABORT -
1 Range RANGE -
2 Reverse Range REVERSE_RANGE -
3 Message MSG -
4 Raw RAW -

Acoustic Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a Acoustic Text sending request.

  • Abbreviation: AcousticStatus
  • Identification Number: 216
  • Payload Size: 10+ bytes
  • Message Size: 32+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Information info - plaintext Status description. Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type

Enum Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: TYPE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Abort ABORT -
1 Range RANGE -
2 Reverse Range REVERSE_RANGE -
3 Message MSG -
4 Raw RAW -

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: STATUS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Queued QUEUED -
1 In Progress IN_PROGRESS -
2 Sent SENT -
3 Range Received RANGE_RECEIVED -
100 Busy BUSY -
101 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
102 Error trying to send acoustic text ERROR -
666 Message Type is not defined or is unsupported UNSUPPORTED -